Battery installation—required if not already installed: wash battery and terminals, load test, brighten wire terminals, ensure battery is secured and positive terminal is covered (T&M) // BATT
Basic engine commission—if WRBY winterized boat and PM is current: check/fill fluid levels, start engine, verify cooling water flow and thermostat function, test shifting and steering, verify engine gauges are operational, replace spark plugs as necessary (T&M—usually 1-2 hrs per engine) // BEC
Engine tune-up and mechanical commission—recommended every two years or if PM was not done in by WRBY: compression test, fuel pressure test, engine laptop scan, charging-output and resistance tests, check the ignition coils and wires, inspect belts and tensioner, verify ignition timing, replace fuel filters as necessary, carburetor adjustments as needed (T&M—usually 2-2.5 hrs per engine) // ETU
Commission basic systems—as applicable: check anodes, test bilge pump, check navigational lights and trim tabs, verify all other accessories power up when switched on (T&M) // CBS
Commission freshwater systems—flush and fill tank(s) and water heater, treat with conditioner, test pumps, test drains and sumps, clean or replace filter cartridges (T&M) // CFWS
Commission raw water systems—seacocks, strainers, livewells, fish boxes, macerators, washdown pumps, fixtures, sprayers (T&M) // CRWS
Commission air conditioners—sea strainers, seacock operation, run and prime pumps, verify heat cycle, clear any panel codes (T&M) // CAC
Safety equipment check—fire extinguisher(s); fire-suppression system; expiration dates on flares, EPIRB, raft packing, carbon monoxide / smoke detectors; VHF radio check; GPS power-up and fix (T&M) // SEC
Commission generator —check/fill fluid levels, check anodes, test bilge pump, start engine and run to temp, verify cooling water flow, verify thermostat function, verify remote panel operation, clear any error codes, verify output, load test (T&M) // CGEN
Thrusters—battery load test, wire connections clean and tight, fluid levels, anode, test control (T&M) // CTHR
Fill fuel tanks ($95 plus fuel) // FFT
Sea trial—full systems test underway, may require launch and haul (T&M) // SETR
Replace holding tank vent filter, if equipped (T&M) // HTVF